Season 3 of my weekly podcast Tech News for MBAs has commenced! I decided to get real wild by recording the first episode in front of a live audience.
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This past Tuesday evening, in my Intro to Product Management class at Columbia Business School, in our beautiful new classroom at the new Manhattanville campus with 80 students, I set up my trusty microphone, pop filter, and Logic Pro, then hit record.
The podcast started as an extension of the way I've always started my classes– by reviewing and discussing the week's tech headlines. Normally I just do it twice: once in the classroom, and then once into the mic by myself. So it only seemed fitting to combine the two to kick off this season.
I can't wait to see what we end up talking about over the next few months, but this week's episode focuses on two record setting events: Meta losing more value in a single day than any other company in the history of the stock market, and Amazon gaining more than anyone has before. In the same week!
As you will hear, I do not see these events as unrelated. First, these companies are working at a scale we've never seen before– measured in trillions. Then I dive into how Meta, Amazon, and Apple are fighting to own the entire vertical stack (or in Apple's case, defending and expanding it). Three companies that once didn't seem to be direct competitors are edging toward head-on collision. I call it verticalization, at scale.
Also unique to this episode is that I was able to take questions from the crowd, and two students were brave enough to get on the mic, which I truly appreciated.
I tried to record it, but the Zoom recording is mostly the screen share– but that's me and the class in the upper-right! 😂


Thank you to the students who helped to make this a successful experiment.
Take a listen, subscribe, and tell your friends. And keep a lookout for new episodes every Friday morning!
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